Tuesday, November 17, 2015

How To Win Friends and Influence People
“Six ways to make people like you”
Rule 1. Becoming genuinely interested in other people
“Do this and you will be welcome anywhere”
“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”
“Ask questions to other people, questions that they would enjoy answering.”
Reflection: I believe that by becoming more interested in what they do rather wanting them to become interested in you will make them your friends. You have to engage in the conversation listen to what they have to say, give your opinion and help out in any way possible easiest way to make a friend. If you want a friend you have to be willing to listen and not talk about yourself because they will just think that you are self-centered and people don’t like that. Asking questions about them and complementing them is such a nice way to get a friend and many more. Also this means to go out of your way to help others and not when it is convenient. Going out of your way will show others how great you are just don t brag about it. The thing you want to do is make someone now that you care about them and that you want to be their friend.

Rule 2. Smile
“Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, “I like you. You make me happy. I’m glad to see you.”
“You don’t feel like smiling? Then force yourself to smile.”
“It creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in a business, and is the countersign (witness or indication) of friends.”

Reflection: smile at people so that they can know that you like them as a friend. Smile because you are happy. Smile because no one can bring you down. Smile because it brings happiness to others. Smile every day to show the world that you can do anything. Smiling can make you forget that you were ever sad. Smiling makes you feel good about yourself. So if your ever sad turns that frown upside down, be happy for what you have and what you will accomplish in the future. People won’t want to be your friend if you’re always mad. I believe that showing someone how happy you are can bring them happiness to them with or make them laugh. Show people that you can bring a smile to them and in return they can bring you one.
Rule 3. Remember names
“A man’s name is to him is the sweetest and most important sound in any language.”
“If you don’t remember names, you are headed for trouble.”

Reflection: Remembering someone’s name how will you address people. If you don’t remember your boss name then you won’t be able to address him in the proper manner. If you don’t remember someone’s name that person won’t be very pleased to here that you don’t know their name. Hearing someone say your name is the most pleasant thing to here but not if a person says it in an awful way. For me I find it a bit wired when I have to call another person by my name calling out some one by my name is wired but at the same time it is the easiest name to remember. I for instance know all my friends names but sometimes I can’t remember their name but its only because sometimes my memory fails me. I sometimes find it hard to pronounce some ones name but in time I get it right.
How To Remember Names
1. Pay attention. Repeat their name back to them once they provide it. This helps you lock it into your brain. Make remembering their moniker a priority. Repeat the name silently to yourself a couple of times.
2. Repeat names throughout the exchange. Repetition helps your brain form the connections necessary to retain information. As soon as you're introduced, say, "It's lovely to meet you, Jane." Refer to the person by name upon greeting and then repeat it again in parting.
3. Make mental associations. Make a visual connection with a person's name to something memorable in your world -- the more outlandish, the better. For example, if you meet someone named Jay who happens to be a music producer, visualize a blue jay at a mixing board. The humorous image will imprint his name and career onto your memory.
4. Study names in print. Use your eyes as well as your ears. When someone wears a name tag, for instance, look at the name tag as well as the face to create an association. As soon as you receive a business card, glance at the name and say, "Thank you, John."
5. Ask for clarification with difficult names. If a new colleague has a name that is difficult to pronounce or happens to mumble their introduction, simply ask him or her to repeat it. Then say it again yourself for verification. In addition to gaining clarity, the extra effort will speak to your attention to detail.          
6. If you forget a name, address it head on. If you absolutely can't remember a name, try to offer any information you can remember, such as where the two of you may have met. Alternatively, if you shake hands and introduce yourself, your contact will most likely follow suit.

If you think you know someone's name, but are unsure, venture a guess: "Bill, right?" Or you could simply apologize and say, "I'm sorry, I'm a little forgetful at the moment. Please remind me of your name." Don't worry, it happens to everyone.

Rule 4. Be a good listener. Encouraging others to talk about themselves.
“If you aspire to be a good conversationalist, be an attentive listener.”
“Remember that the man you are talking to is a hundred times more interested in himself and his wants and his problems than he is in you and your problems.”
Reflection: The rule states that you have to be more interested in other people’s problems. They don’t want to be hearing about your problems and bragging about yourself they want you to hear what they have to say and if you have any advice for them. People want others to be interested in them when you first meat them that is how you make friends or at least how you get them to be. Being a good listener is the most important part of making friends because they want you to hear what they say not just nod and say okay I see what is going on. People want you to hear what they say so that you can help them out. That is truly being a friend. When you don’t listen then they really won’t go to you for help they will think bad about you and go elsewhere. When you have a conversation you want to hear more about the other person’s life and their experiences and the you can talk about yours not before.
 5 Active Listening Tips
1. Stay focused, don’t judge
2. Really listen, don’t think about your similar experiences
3. Allow periods of silence
4. Repeat the other people’s words
5. Understand the other person’s emotions in their words
Rule 5: Talk in terms of the other man’s interest.
“The royal road to a man’s heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most

Reflection: what this means is that lets say for instance that you may sell insurance, but it is unlikely that it’s what your customers want to talk about all day. Football, on the other hand, might be a subject that they love to discuss. When you converse about something that they love, they learn to like you more. When it comes time to buy insurance, there is a pretty good chance that they will buy from someone they like. Play your cards right, and that just might be you. Also learning about a person's interests and passions and making that the topic of conversation will strengthen your bond with them immensely.  People will be enthusiastic to talk to you about their personal interests.  Not only will this reward you with the knowledge they share with you, but you will also benefit from the stronger relationship you've built with the person.  They are more likely to be there for you when you need it. So let’s say again that I’m in a party and don’t have any friends their I would come up to a person and ask for their name and ask them to tell me more about them in and I a short period of time I will soon enough gain their trust and they will be more open and I will have made a friend just by asking that person to talk about themselves.
Rule 6: Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely
“The desire to be important is the deepest urge in human nature.”
“Helping people feel important and appreciated works magic.”
Reflection: Compliment people on tasks they do well.  Make them feel like they are really doing something worth appreciating.  Show people you have trust and faith in them to get something done.  Show them you are confident in them.  They will light up with raised self-esteem and will become much fonder of you. For example when you tweet, tell your followers how important and valuable they are. Don’t puff them full of fluff, but be genuine and enthusiastic. Excitement and smiley faces may seem dorky, but there is almost never a compliment that is poorly received. Let your followers know that they are important. Make them feel important and appreciated. When you make someone feel good about themselves they will like you more because you are talking about them.25 ways to make someone feel special
     1. Make a note of the important events in her life and ask her how the events went.
2. Give a specific and genuine compliment.
3.Praise them in front of other people.
4.In a group setting, ask her to tell her favorite story.
5.If she’s telling a story to a group and she gets cut off for some reason, be the first person to ask her to continue telling it.
6.Ignore her tiredness. Nobody wants to be told that they have dark rings under their eyes or that they look like they just woke up.
7.After meeting someone new, follow up the next day with an email or handwritten note.
8.When you first call her on the phone, ask if it’s a good time for her to talk.
9.If, while talking on the phone, you hear something going on in the background, ask her if she needs to attend to it.
10.Don’t multi-task while you’re on the phone. She’ll be able to tell.

Reflection: I believe that to make a friend you should follow these rules. By following them you will make many friends and you can count on them for anything and they can count on you. All you have to do is be committed to the rules and pay attention to what the other person is talking about. Make them feel like you are interested in them talk about them not yourself. Make them feel wanted. You should really follow them because they are great I have many friends that I can count on because of this and I can truly say it is great. When I talk to them I make them feel good and they return the favor by doing the same and I’m very happy with the friends I have. I know that I will be using these rules for a long time to make new friends.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Google’s greatest invention
Google’s greatest invention yet project ara.so what is project ara it is a new phone that Google might take out to the market on the end of the year of 2015. This also means that the phone will not last for on or two year it will last for decades because the new invention is created to separate all the components that make up a phone in an in closed box but not any more if all goes well the new phone will have all of those components but they will be able to be replaced separately. So let’s say the their if anew upgrade of camera you will take the camera off and replace it for the new one and because It easily comes of and there will be no need to buy a new phone. The phones hardware is controlled by an android app that unlocks components that need replacing. Now this is cool because as I said the phone s hardware is separated as an individual and is put together as a Lego structure

“Crazy scale: 6 (Saving the planet from hundreds of tons of ewaste? Too cool.”
 Information Security Analyst
Duties and Responsibilities: Data security analysts, sometimes referred to as computer security specialists, operate an organizations information security, according to the BLS. Duties may include, installation and maintenance of security software, instructing computer users on security,  and ensuring networks are free of breaches. The BLS also noted that, with the increase of online and computer network attacks, the duties of data security analysts have also increased and broadened (www.bls.gov). For instance, they may be expected to compile data for cyber forensics following a breach. Additional duties might also include programming, system analysis and telecommunications.
Salary: Average salary $91,210 annually
Education: You must obtain by most a bachelors degree

I don’t want to study this career but I shore seems interesting.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Six Attributes of High Achievers

1.Make no small plans 
Reflection: High achievers go big they don’t make small plans for the future they make big ones and don’t give up on them. High achievers go for the long run they want to make something out of their life and make big plans for it. For example I am not one of those kids that want to go to a state college. I want to go to a UC and that is my big plan I will work hard to get there and not give up because if I make one small decision not to go I will not succeed in my plans. “Make no little plans they have no magic to stir man’s blood.” This means to not make small plans in life they will not get you anywhere in life. Small plans will get you nowhere so I decided to make big plans in life I will go to a UC and be a doctor in the future I will not give up because I am a high achiever and not someone that will make small plans for my future.

2. Are willing to do what they fear

What this means is that you are willing to do what you fear the most. But you can’t conquer what you fear the most it without taking risks. You are willing enough to take those risks and conquer those fears. for example I want to be an OB/GYN in the future but I’m afraid that I will have people making me feel like I can never get there that is my fear. “You have to want it more than what you’re afraid of it.” So this means that I have to want my dreams more than what I’m afraid of it. People can’t conquer a fear if they do not want to conquer it unless they are willing to do so. What I will do in the future is ignore the people that want to bring me down and keep moving forward because if I don’t I will never get what I really want. Those people that bring you down really they only do those things because they wish that they had dreams that are very high.

3. Are willing to prepare

Reflection: What this means is that you should get excited for what you are becoming in life rather than what you have done during your lifespan. High achievers prepare for what they will become and not preparing will get you nowhere, if you only look at the things that you have done in the past you have to stop because unless you have a time machine you can’t change them or make them better. The only thing you would look back for is to get reference on the mistake in order to not make it again in the near future. And do shoot for the small things that you would do in life but the risky ones take chances prepare yourself for your future goals. “By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail.” This means that if you do not prepare for the future you will fail more than if you did prepare you will end up in bad places. But because you failed to prepare you probably were already with the wrong crowd. I for example will not let myself let things go I will prepare for what I have to do so that I can go to the best university possible and be a doctor.

4. Are willing to risk failure

Reflection: High achievers do not learn to fail their way to achievement. Like for example Thomas Edison didn’t give up after he fail the first time trying to invent a better light source  he kept on failing until he finally was successful. High achievers learn from their mistakes and if they fail once they know they will fail again but they don’t give up because they work their way up to achievement. This teaches us to look at depression, stress and other things in a more positive perspective. “If you want something you can have it, but only if you want everything that goes with it, including all the hard work and the despair, and only if you are willing to risk failure.”  Meaning that wanting something wont com easy you will fail all the time, no one is perfect so all the things that come with the things you want will come fast but last long if you let them, the only way to get rid of them is by working harder each time. Taking risks is a good thing when you are doing them for the right reasons.

5. Are Teachable

Reflection: A high achiever that is teachable spends his/her time seeking knowledge, spends time reading, observing and listening to those around them. High achievers are always trying to learn something new and make the best of their life. These people may sometimes see someone doing something that is right so they make it their own and do the same. I believe that those that are teachable will be doing great thing in life in the future. Those that are teachable will do anything in their power to be great. They will always be learning form someone or something to pass on them self’s what they learned to some one else that is teachable. I personally think that I am teachable and someday I will pass on my knowledge to someone that is willing to take on what I learned. “You must always be the apprentice even when you become the master.” This its self means that you will always be an apprentice because times change and even if you are a master you will learn something from them and take on their ideas about the subject.

6. Have heart

Reflection; High achievers have heart yes this is true but what we don’t know is that to gain that heart we have to go through conflict and stress. Yet at the same time we don’t know what the reason for this is and we wish to find out but cant. Having a great heart does mean to be to be good to others in any way possible. Giving back to the world does not make you have a great heart but believing in yourself will help. You just have to be at peace with your body, mind, and especially your spirit in order to have a great heart. “To be rich, is not what you have in your bank account, but what you have in your heart.” What this means to me is that being rich is not happiness but comfort for what you wish to have but you don’t know how to get. For example a rich man is not rich enough if he does not have a great heart that is what being rich really means having a family being true to yourself and everyone around you. Also you have to have the courage to follow your heart and be free from the bad influences.

Overall Reflection: What I feel is that I will apply all these attributes to my daily. These attributes will help be a more successful person in life. I will prepare for the future and I will fail in doing so but I will not give up because I will learn from failure. I feel that by having heart I will be able to apply these attributes and not fall into the wrong path. Furthermore I will concur my fears of being successful and achieving my dreams and proving those who doubted me wrong. I feel that if I don’t give up and I will be able to concur my dreams  I will learn along the way and be more knowledgeable in life learning from others and passing it on. Applying these attributes can make anyone a high achievers because you just have to be willing to put in the effort. You may think that this is not plausible but it is. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Way to Be
9 ways to be Happy and Make Something of your Life

Gordon B. Hinckley

1.Be Grateful
“Happiness isn’t about getting what you want all the time. It’s about loving what you have and being grateful for it.”
Reflection: if I were not to be grateful for what I have I would not like myself because I am grateful for lots of things my mom and my siblings. I’m grateful for what my mom has given me and all that she has sacrificed for me and my siblings. Being grateful is something that everyone should do because if you not then what are you your just a greedy person make peoples life miserable. Having everything you want is being stingy and not grateful for what already has been given to you. I believe that people that always want to have everything at the cost of every ones expense is not right. I always want something but then again I think do I need I because I see I have something similar. The only time I can get something new is when it doesn’t work and can’t be fixed. So then I now that I have to be grateful for what I have and I am.

2. Be Smart

Reflection: what this means is that to be smart you have to work hard, or in other words you have to push yourself to do what you want but you have to do it in a smart way. Anyone can be smart you just have to believe that you can and you will get there, just don’t lit others tell you otherwise. If you do lit people do that than their probably going to bringing you down and most likely they do that because someone did the same to them. I know that if I am working hard I can accomplish what I put my mind to it. If I let someone tries to bring me down I won’t let them because I believe that if they say I can’t do something I would certainly like to prove them wrong and do exactly what they said I can’t do, if I put my mind to it and I work hard I will get their I just have to think smart and see how I will get there. “Before you can work hard you must to work smart.” By doing exactly that I will be able to do anything I just have to be smart about it. But technically it also means to think clearly about what you are going to do and to do that you have to work hard.
3. Be Involved in Good works

Reflection: being involved in good works is a way of saying sowing kindness to others may give them confidence to get up and do something it can make their day. Being involved in community work is a way to show kindness to others and it can easily make their day better than it was a day ago. To do good works you don’t need to be recognized for your acts but let people see that what you are doing for others is the right thing to do. You don’t need recognition to do a good deed because by helping them out then they can maybe see themselves maybe doing something for other one day as you helped them. “Small acts of kindness go a long way. Your good works could change someone’s day.” Where I can use this is in the future but also in the present day as I wish to help others in need but it doesn’t mean people that can’t help themselves it means people that need help getting back up from where they fell.

4. Be Clean

Reflection: Being clean can mean many things not only cleaning yourself and your room. But having a clean mind, keeping yourself clean of anything bad that you could do or say. “Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it.” Keeping your mind clean and expand your creativity and working attitudes. Always keeping your mind clean and also prevent you from trying drugs that are band for you. Or going out for a wild party when you know you could be doing something better than drugs and alcohol. So being clean doesn’t mean just having good hygiene but saying away from bad people and thinking clearly that can also mean keeping clean. Doing bad things can make you end up in bad places and I would certainly wouldn’t want to end up in those bad places. If I keep my mind clean I can stay away from bad influences that do those things.

                                                     5. Be True
Reflection: Being true mean to be true to someone and yourself. Being true to your self is not hiding who you are. Be who you are meant to be and not who others want you to be. For example before I always wanted to blend in with the other kids in school I dint want them to now I was different but then the time past and I just could not take it any more I was trying too hard to be someone I wasn’t. I finally I came to understand that it was ok to be different and I was true to myself and to other about who I really was. This part of my past I will never forget I will always remember and I will look to that moment and see how far I came by being true to myself and to others. I believe that being true to yourself will give you confidence to do great things. “Always be true to yourself and others, be yourself because everyone else is already taken.”

6. Be Positive

Reflection: Being positive boosts your self-esteem. Also pushes you to do great things further in your life. Being positive is something people do all the time in their everyday life. Also you have to be positive about your work and your dreams and if for one second you are not positive you will never accomplish those dreams. For example if I were to be positive about my dreams to be an OB/GYN for one second I will never go to the university that I want to go to. I would not be an OB/GYN or at least not the one I was hoping to be if I were to have gone to the University of San Francisco. “No negative thoughts allowed. Think positive, be positive and positive things will happen.” Being positive is having those epic moments happen and great memories not to be ever forgotten. Also what you think negative, negative things will happen. What you think is going to become of you will become true. So think positive and you will have a positive life. The way i will apply this attribute to my life is to think positive about my dreams an they will come true soon enough.

7. Be Humble

Reflection: being humble means having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance. But humble is not the same thing as being wise. When you are being humble you recognize your flaws and being wise is learning from your mistakes. Also being humble means to work hard for what you want in life and if you work hard for the things you want you will accomplish your dreams. Being humble is not sitting around being lazy it is going for want you want and taking a chance. “Stay humble, work hard. Lazy people get nowhere in life, remember that.” The way I would apply being humble to my daily life is by working hard in school so that in the future I will be successful take chances and never give up on my dreams. 

8. Be Still

Reflection: What this means is not to stand or sit on something and not move. It means to stay still and think about your future, your life, your accomplishments, and dreams. For example if I were about to do something that can change my life in a second I would be still for a moment and think about the things that would happen if I were to do something in that instant. I would think about all the negative and positive effects that would happen. “Be still and know that I am god.” What this quote means to me is that you are god you control your destiny your future your life. This also means that you have the chose to do what you want to do and not let anyone push you around. You decide what you want and what the best way to get what I want. A way I will use this attribute is by thinking about the negative effects that I would cause for myself if I were to do something bad or the positive things that would come my way if I were to do good things.
 9. Be prayerful

Reflection nine ways: The nine ways to be happy will help me make my dreams and desires come true without doing anything bad to get them. I feel that if I am grateful for what I have good things will come my way. If I am smart about the choices I make I will be a great person in life. I will be more involved in my community and have a positive attitude when I am doing great things. I will be clean of any drugs well maybe not all drugs and stay away from bad influences. I will be humble of the mistakes I make I will stay true to myself and to anyone around me I will be who I was born to be a great person. I will commit myself to always follow the nine ways to be happy and never give up on my dreams.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Personal Development Attribute
Definition: the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.
“Commitment either you do or you don’t, there is no in between, commitment leads to action. Action brings your dreams closer.”

Reflection: the significance of this quote is that when you commit yourself to do something great you either do it or you don’t there is no maybe you have to think to yourself and say I do it or I don’t, but it is better if you accomplish what you committed yourself to do. Because when you commit to let’s say doing something for a project in school you can’t say oh maybe I can do this and that but I can’t granite that I will do it, then you shouldn’t be in a group where you will bring down every one with you that is not fair. Plus when you commit to do something it leads to actions and actions and commitments go together and if they go together than you can accomplish anything you set your head to commit to. Lets say I commit myself to be the president one day, the things I can do are indefinite to how I can get their, but I can get their if I follow the right path and soon that time will come when I have done everything in my power to be president and I will look back and think I’m finally here my commitment turned to actions and I came closer to my dream every time. As an example I made a commitment to pass my algebra class last year and as a result I passed I studied every night in order to pass my final test.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Personal Development Quote
“The key to freedom is obedience. The more obedient we are, the more freedom we have.”
Boyd K. Packer
Definitions: freedom: the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
Obedience: compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another's authority.
The attribute in this quote is freedom and obedience.

 Reflection: What the quote itself means that when you follow those rules and don’t get into trouble you get freedom. The more you follow the rules the more freedom you get to do what you want. Obedience is what is said to someone like you must obey the rules but when you do what is said to be done you are being disobedient. So now what the word freedom means is that you do and say what you want you just can’t take advantage of that freedom because if you do you can get in trouble. Now put them together and to be free and say what you want you have to obey the rules and that truly is the way to do everything in life in work and in school and everywhere you are. I believe that if I am obedient at home I will get the freedom to go out to places by my self.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Personal development attribute
A smile
Definition: form one's features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed.
“Keep smiling because life is a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about.”

Reflection: what this quote means that life is worth living for because it is beautiful. But when you don’t smile at the world than what are you really living, you’re really not living when you don’t smile. Life is worth a smiling for and every day you don’t smile is a lost day of your life lost forever. When you don’t smile you are either depressed or sad but you can’t spend all your life like that can you, smile every once in a while and you may just experience something good that day. Every time life hits you with something bad you just have to get up and turn that sadness upside down. When you smile it feels good it feels like a great day and no one can change it around. Because when you smile you feel happy you just feel like you can take on the world. Having a smile can change the point of view that some one looks at you.so be happy because life is worth a smile.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Personal Development Attribute
Believe: to be confident in the truth what is real what you are and what you want to do.
“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”
Theodore Roosevelt

Reflection: what this quote means is that when you believe in something, standing by is the best thing to do because you can accomplish those dreams when you just believe. Believing you can do great things can get you to great places. If you don’t believe in what you want you will never accomplish those things. I believe that when I have a dream I have to believe it can come true because if I give up on the dream I will never know what will happen after. I have to trust in myself and not let anyone bring me down I have to be around good influences so they can boost my confidence. So when I want something I’m almost their I just have to think about the things I can do to get them.

Friday, September 11, 2015

911 Memorial
911 Attack
The  September 11 attack ( also referred as 911) were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks launched by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda upon the united states in New York City and the Washington, D.C ., metropolitan area on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. The attacks killed almost 3,000 people , including more than 400 police officers and firefighters, and caused at least $10 billion in property and infrastructure damage.
Four passenger airliners were hijacked by 19 al-Qaeda terrorist so they could be flown into buildings in suicide attacks. Two of the planes were flown into the towers of the World Trade Center in New York City and Washington, D.C., and the fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. The attacks resulted in extensive death and destruction.
Unfortunately, there were not many survivors to find: Two firemen were pulled from their trunks in a cavity beneath some wreckage, and a few people were pinned who at the edge of the pile. By September 12 , workers had rescued all of the people who were trapped at the site.
The Twin Towers
The towers were massive. The North Tower rose 1,368 feet – 1,730 feet with a large
antenna – and the South Tower stood 1,362-feet high. Views extended 45 miles
or more from the top of the towers in every direction – far enough to see all five
New York City boroughs, New Jersey and Connecticut. Each weighed more than
250,000 tons and contained 99 elevators and 21,800 windows. Each floor was an acre
in size and there was enough concrete in the towers to build a five-foot-wide sidewalk
from New York City to Washington, DC. The World Trade Center (WTC) was a 16-acre commercial complex in lower Manhattan
that contained seven buildings, a large plaza, and an underground shopping mall that connected six of the buildings. The centerpieces of the complex were the Twin Towers.
On September 11, 2001, the entire complex was destroyed in a terrorist attack that has
come to be referred to as “9/11.”
The 911 Memorial Museum
The 911 Memorial museum honors the memory of those killed in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and the February 26, 1993 World Trade Center bombing. In doing so, it aspires to educate the millions of people expected to visit the World Trade Center each year in hopes of building a better future.
My Thoughts

I think that this was a disaster for all the family members that lost some one in the attacks. The day of the strike on the twin towers I was at least 1 year old so I don’t remember anything well technically I didn’t know about the attack.

“Decisions Determine Destiny”
Thomas S. Monson

The attributes that I can identify are all three because the decisions that you make in your life are what determine your destiny which means how you end up in the future and where. also the decisions that you make either good or bad can lead you to happy places or places that you thought you were never going to end up in. I believe that the good decisions that I make now will get me to accomplish my dream to be an OB/GYN in the future.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Personal Development Attribute
Definition: showing any type of kindness and a concern for others
“When you truly care for someone, their mistakes never change your feelings because it’s the mind that gets angry but the heart still cares.”

Reflection: What this means is that when you care for someone it can’t change your feelings for them when they make mistakes. Their mistakes only get you angry but in the end you still really care for then. Caring is not just being kind ton some person it is showing concern for what they are feeling inside then being concerned with their problems trying to make them feel better by helping them that is what I think caring means. Also caring is not only taking time to help someone you know but others people that might feel down that day and need a little push to get them on their feet again and just showing that you are concerned and showing kindness can help people.also i forgot to say that caring also means caring for the earth for giving us all that we need to survive.