Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Way to Be
9 ways to be Happy and Make Something of your Life

Gordon B. Hinckley

1.Be Grateful
“Happiness isn’t about getting what you want all the time. It’s about loving what you have and being grateful for it.”
Reflection: if I were not to be grateful for what I have I would not like myself because I am grateful for lots of things my mom and my siblings. I’m grateful for what my mom has given me and all that she has sacrificed for me and my siblings. Being grateful is something that everyone should do because if you not then what are you your just a greedy person make peoples life miserable. Having everything you want is being stingy and not grateful for what already has been given to you. I believe that people that always want to have everything at the cost of every ones expense is not right. I always want something but then again I think do I need I because I see I have something similar. The only time I can get something new is when it doesn’t work and can’t be fixed. So then I now that I have to be grateful for what I have and I am.

2. Be Smart

Reflection: what this means is that to be smart you have to work hard, or in other words you have to push yourself to do what you want but you have to do it in a smart way. Anyone can be smart you just have to believe that you can and you will get there, just don’t lit others tell you otherwise. If you do lit people do that than their probably going to bringing you down and most likely they do that because someone did the same to them. I know that if I am working hard I can accomplish what I put my mind to it. If I let someone tries to bring me down I won’t let them because I believe that if they say I can’t do something I would certainly like to prove them wrong and do exactly what they said I can’t do, if I put my mind to it and I work hard I will get their I just have to think smart and see how I will get there. “Before you can work hard you must to work smart.” By doing exactly that I will be able to do anything I just have to be smart about it. But technically it also means to think clearly about what you are going to do and to do that you have to work hard.
3. Be Involved in Good works

Reflection: being involved in good works is a way of saying sowing kindness to others may give them confidence to get up and do something it can make their day. Being involved in community work is a way to show kindness to others and it can easily make their day better than it was a day ago. To do good works you don’t need to be recognized for your acts but let people see that what you are doing for others is the right thing to do. You don’t need recognition to do a good deed because by helping them out then they can maybe see themselves maybe doing something for other one day as you helped them. “Small acts of kindness go a long way. Your good works could change someone’s day.” Where I can use this is in the future but also in the present day as I wish to help others in need but it doesn’t mean people that can’t help themselves it means people that need help getting back up from where they fell.

4. Be Clean

Reflection: Being clean can mean many things not only cleaning yourself and your room. But having a clean mind, keeping yourself clean of anything bad that you could do or say. “Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it.” Keeping your mind clean and expand your creativity and working attitudes. Always keeping your mind clean and also prevent you from trying drugs that are band for you. Or going out for a wild party when you know you could be doing something better than drugs and alcohol. So being clean doesn’t mean just having good hygiene but saying away from bad people and thinking clearly that can also mean keeping clean. Doing bad things can make you end up in bad places and I would certainly wouldn’t want to end up in those bad places. If I keep my mind clean I can stay away from bad influences that do those things.

                                                     5. Be True
Reflection: Being true mean to be true to someone and yourself. Being true to your self is not hiding who you are. Be who you are meant to be and not who others want you to be. For example before I always wanted to blend in with the other kids in school I dint want them to now I was different but then the time past and I just could not take it any more I was trying too hard to be someone I wasn’t. I finally I came to understand that it was ok to be different and I was true to myself and to other about who I really was. This part of my past I will never forget I will always remember and I will look to that moment and see how far I came by being true to myself and to others. I believe that being true to yourself will give you confidence to do great things. “Always be true to yourself and others, be yourself because everyone else is already taken.”

6. Be Positive

Reflection: Being positive boosts your self-esteem. Also pushes you to do great things further in your life. Being positive is something people do all the time in their everyday life. Also you have to be positive about your work and your dreams and if for one second you are not positive you will never accomplish those dreams. For example if I were to be positive about my dreams to be an OB/GYN for one second I will never go to the university that I want to go to. I would not be an OB/GYN or at least not the one I was hoping to be if I were to have gone to the University of San Francisco. “No negative thoughts allowed. Think positive, be positive and positive things will happen.” Being positive is having those epic moments happen and great memories not to be ever forgotten. Also what you think negative, negative things will happen. What you think is going to become of you will become true. So think positive and you will have a positive life. The way i will apply this attribute to my life is to think positive about my dreams an they will come true soon enough.

7. Be Humble

Reflection: being humble means having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance. But humble is not the same thing as being wise. When you are being humble you recognize your flaws and being wise is learning from your mistakes. Also being humble means to work hard for what you want in life and if you work hard for the things you want you will accomplish your dreams. Being humble is not sitting around being lazy it is going for want you want and taking a chance. “Stay humble, work hard. Lazy people get nowhere in life, remember that.” The way I would apply being humble to my daily life is by working hard in school so that in the future I will be successful take chances and never give up on my dreams. 

8. Be Still

Reflection: What this means is not to stand or sit on something and not move. It means to stay still and think about your future, your life, your accomplishments, and dreams. For example if I were about to do something that can change my life in a second I would be still for a moment and think about the things that would happen if I were to do something in that instant. I would think about all the negative and positive effects that would happen. “Be still and know that I am god.” What this quote means to me is that you are god you control your destiny your future your life. This also means that you have the chose to do what you want to do and not let anyone push you around. You decide what you want and what the best way to get what I want. A way I will use this attribute is by thinking about the negative effects that I would cause for myself if I were to do something bad or the positive things that would come my way if I were to do good things.
 9. Be prayerful

Reflection nine ways: The nine ways to be happy will help me make my dreams and desires come true without doing anything bad to get them. I feel that if I am grateful for what I have good things will come my way. If I am smart about the choices I make I will be a great person in life. I will be more involved in my community and have a positive attitude when I am doing great things. I will be clean of any drugs well maybe not all drugs and stay away from bad influences. I will be humble of the mistakes I make I will stay true to myself and to anyone around me I will be who I was born to be a great person. I will commit myself to always follow the nine ways to be happy and never give up on my dreams.

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