Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Six Attributes of High Achievers

1.Make no small plans 
Reflection: High achievers go big they don’t make small plans for the future they make big ones and don’t give up on them. High achievers go for the long run they want to make something out of their life and make big plans for it. For example I am not one of those kids that want to go to a state college. I want to go to a UC and that is my big plan I will work hard to get there and not give up because if I make one small decision not to go I will not succeed in my plans. “Make no little plans they have no magic to stir man’s blood.” This means to not make small plans in life they will not get you anywhere in life. Small plans will get you nowhere so I decided to make big plans in life I will go to a UC and be a doctor in the future I will not give up because I am a high achiever and not someone that will make small plans for my future.

2. Are willing to do what they fear

What this means is that you are willing to do what you fear the most. But you can’t conquer what you fear the most it without taking risks. You are willing enough to take those risks and conquer those fears. for example I want to be an OB/GYN in the future but I’m afraid that I will have people making me feel like I can never get there that is my fear. “You have to want it more than what you’re afraid of it.” So this means that I have to want my dreams more than what I’m afraid of it. People can’t conquer a fear if they do not want to conquer it unless they are willing to do so. What I will do in the future is ignore the people that want to bring me down and keep moving forward because if I don’t I will never get what I really want. Those people that bring you down really they only do those things because they wish that they had dreams that are very high.

3. Are willing to prepare

Reflection: What this means is that you should get excited for what you are becoming in life rather than what you have done during your lifespan. High achievers prepare for what they will become and not preparing will get you nowhere, if you only look at the things that you have done in the past you have to stop because unless you have a time machine you can’t change them or make them better. The only thing you would look back for is to get reference on the mistake in order to not make it again in the near future. And do shoot for the small things that you would do in life but the risky ones take chances prepare yourself for your future goals. “By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail.” This means that if you do not prepare for the future you will fail more than if you did prepare you will end up in bad places. But because you failed to prepare you probably were already with the wrong crowd. I for example will not let myself let things go I will prepare for what I have to do so that I can go to the best university possible and be a doctor.

4. Are willing to risk failure

Reflection: High achievers do not learn to fail their way to achievement. Like for example Thomas Edison didn’t give up after he fail the first time trying to invent a better light source  he kept on failing until he finally was successful. High achievers learn from their mistakes and if they fail once they know they will fail again but they don’t give up because they work their way up to achievement. This teaches us to look at depression, stress and other things in a more positive perspective. “If you want something you can have it, but only if you want everything that goes with it, including all the hard work and the despair, and only if you are willing to risk failure.”  Meaning that wanting something wont com easy you will fail all the time, no one is perfect so all the things that come with the things you want will come fast but last long if you let them, the only way to get rid of them is by working harder each time. Taking risks is a good thing when you are doing them for the right reasons.

5. Are Teachable

Reflection: A high achiever that is teachable spends his/her time seeking knowledge, spends time reading, observing and listening to those around them. High achievers are always trying to learn something new and make the best of their life. These people may sometimes see someone doing something that is right so they make it their own and do the same. I believe that those that are teachable will be doing great thing in life in the future. Those that are teachable will do anything in their power to be great. They will always be learning form someone or something to pass on them self’s what they learned to some one else that is teachable. I personally think that I am teachable and someday I will pass on my knowledge to someone that is willing to take on what I learned. “You must always be the apprentice even when you become the master.” This its self means that you will always be an apprentice because times change and even if you are a master you will learn something from them and take on their ideas about the subject.

6. Have heart

Reflection; High achievers have heart yes this is true but what we don’t know is that to gain that heart we have to go through conflict and stress. Yet at the same time we don’t know what the reason for this is and we wish to find out but cant. Having a great heart does mean to be to be good to others in any way possible. Giving back to the world does not make you have a great heart but believing in yourself will help. You just have to be at peace with your body, mind, and especially your spirit in order to have a great heart. “To be rich, is not what you have in your bank account, but what you have in your heart.” What this means to me is that being rich is not happiness but comfort for what you wish to have but you don’t know how to get. For example a rich man is not rich enough if he does not have a great heart that is what being rich really means having a family being true to yourself and everyone around you. Also you have to have the courage to follow your heart and be free from the bad influences.

Overall Reflection: What I feel is that I will apply all these attributes to my daily. These attributes will help be a more successful person in life. I will prepare for the future and I will fail in doing so but I will not give up because I will learn from failure. I feel that by having heart I will be able to apply these attributes and not fall into the wrong path. Furthermore I will concur my fears of being successful and achieving my dreams and proving those who doubted me wrong. I feel that if I don’t give up and I will be able to concur my dreams  I will learn along the way and be more knowledgeable in life learning from others and passing it on. Applying these attributes can make anyone a high achievers because you just have to be willing to put in the effort. You may think that this is not plausible but it is. 

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