Thursday, June 9, 2016

Class Evaluation

1. What I liked about this class is how kind Mr. Haymore is.
2. What I did not like about this class is that I couldn't sit with my friend.
3. I recommend that the class stays the same because it is great the way it is.
4. I have no highlights in this class.
5. I think that I tried my best in this class and that is what counts.
6. I read my life planning goals every day before going to school.
7. I believe that I do choose that right whenever I have to basically every day and I will continue to do this always.
8. What I learned in this class that I will pass on to others is to create their own life planning journal so they too can be successful or at least try and also tell them to choose the right.

9. What I will remember to do that this class has tough me is that I should always choose the right instead of choosing the wrong because that will only get me into trouble
Last Lecture
Student success statement

“You will go far with CTR”

Reflection: Choose the right and you will be more successful in life by not doing what is wrong. Always and forever will I choose that right. CTR has made me a better person in school and outside I do what is most important first and leave what is not for last as everyone should. I reward myself with some time to myself or some fun time with friends. This phrase stand for choose the right so I will choose the right path to my success the life I want the life I dream of. I will get what I want and get it by always choosing what is right. My plan in life is to accomplish all my goals and by choosing the right I will do so. 

Friday, May 27, 2016

Memorial Day
Memorial is the day, on which those who died in active military service are remembered, traditionally observed on May 30 but now officially observed on the last Monday in May. The purpose of Memorial Day is to commemorate those who died in war wither it was a woman or a man we all pay the same respect to all of them for protecting our country. Ways to respect those American’s on Memorial Day are to raise your flag, check out some of the memorial sites that honor the soldiers near you. And always now it’s never too late to thank a vitrine. What I will do on Memorial Day is maybe stay home but If I have a chance I will go with my friends to the beach or somewhere nice and relaxing. Also going to some festivals around LA is a great way to spend the day and going to the beach is also a great thing to do to kick of the beginning of summer and almost the end of the school year. Even taking a road trip and just looking at what others do on this wonderful Monday. Memorial day is a time to spend with family to be grateful for being alive thanks to our wonderful soldiers that protected and protect us every day.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Becoming Your Best: 

The 12 Principles of Highly Successful Leaders

1.   Be true to character

Be yourself be the best you can be and never give up on yourself or others. Be committed to your goals archive what you can in your short life span. True character is not in the saying but in the way you live your life. It is how people see you when you are with them. It is your character that people judge you upon. Character everyone has but to be true to your character not everyone can. When you are alone you are different then when you are with someone else because you try to be someone else other than yourself. True character is about being the same person around everyone and when you’re alone. But sometimes when you are alone you actually do what you feel is right for you that is who you really are the person you aspire to be. That is the character that most people hide from the world in order to fit in with the rest. Be your true character let yourself be free of all worries and doubt.

2. Use your imagination

3. Apply the power of knowledge

The power of knowledge is the most powerful thing in the world. To have knowledge is a privilege because not everyone has access to it. Without knowledge what are you what can you be where can you go. Knowledge is a power that anyone can have. Knowledge may not be free for some people but knowledge is passed on from one person to another. The knowledge that a person has can get them far enough to where they want to go the more knowledge you have the wiser and intelligent you become. Knowledge is power its self because not everyone is at the same level as another person. Someone can have knowledge of something and another person of something else when you share you information with another person they gain knowledge as well as you. Let’s say you read a book a day then what you read gives you knowledge every day.

4. Never give up
Never give up on your goals in life in anything. You choose how you want to live your life what you do with it. Don’t give up when someone pushes you down. You have to get up each time you fail. When you fail you keep trying until you reach your goals. Giving up on your goals will only prove those that doubt you write. Prove those people wrong and keep going it’s the right thing to do for you. Giving up will only make you feel like you can’t try again. So when you fail try again until its right until it’s what you want. Dream big and no matter what people tell you it’s not their life your living it’s your own. Make your life your own believe that you can and you will succeed. 

5. Find peace and balance

Find balance within yourself and then will you be able to find peace. Peace will only come when you have balanced your state of mind and body. One cannot come before the other. Believe that you can balance yourself get help if you need it and then find peace. Peace will make your life easy and calm. To find peace you need a clear and focused mind. Finding peace if not easy it can be hard but it will be worth it. Once you have balance you will then gain peace not before. Peace will make you a better person and help you be more focused in your goals. You will become a more successful person when you have peace.

6. Live the Golden Rule

It’s true the rule of treating others as you would want to be treated in their place will ultimately lead to your own happiness. Let’s say that you apply the Golden Rule in all of your interactions with other people, and you help your neighbors, you treat your family with kindness, you go the extra mile for your co-workers, you help a stranger in need. Now, those actions will indeed be good for the people you help and are kind to … but you’ll also notice a strange thing. People will treat you better too, certainly. Beyond that, though, you will find a growing satisfaction in yourself, a belief in yourself, knowledge that you are a good person and a trust in yourself.

7.Build and maintain trust

8. Quick to listen slow to wrath
When trying to reconcile with someone, don’t listen for the problem or issue but for the hurt beneath the complaint, their issue, or their anger. Treat others with kindness and their anger will dissipate quickly. It doesn’t matter what race someone is whether a business partner you treat others with respect. When someone is hurt you have a conversation with them and listen while you look them in the eye. What a person should do is stop to listen to what is beneath the words that they are saying. You listen to what they are experiencing at the moment and try to understand before you speak you thoughts. So listen twice as much to the person rather than speaking. Try to listen to the perspective of the person instead of your point of view.
 9. Lead with vision
The key to leading with vision is to be able to communicate your vision as effectively as possible, in a highly inspirational manner.  Individuals are drawn to leaders who can articulate a possible future in such a way that speaks to those around them and includes others in the idea. The best leaders use both their clarity of vision and their articulation of a successful future to whisk people out of fear and into hope for the future and a sense of purpose. All us people want leaders that can look beyond the present. We can be leaders that have a master plan to carry our workforce through short-term trial.One of the key elements of leadership is the ability to create a compelling vision, then lead people towards its fulfillment.  Your vision needs to be communicated in such a way that others believe in it, and thus want to be a part of making it into a reality.

10. Manage with a plan
Manage your life change your perspective of how you view the world. Change the way you are around people change your attitude and be a grate optimistic person. Manage your life make a plan for the future. Change thing you don’t like in your plan or that will be bad to do. Believe that you can accomplish you goals and you will succeed in life. Make a plan for you family how you want it to be. You decide how you want to live and with whom. Don’t let others tell you that you will never make it in life because you will if you choose to follow the right path. By making a plan you are one step closer to achieving you goals. Keep your head up not down or you will stumble across a tree and end up messing with your plan don’t let anyone force you to do anything you don’t want to do.  

 11. Do what matters the most
 Do what matters most what is the most important thing you must get done with leave the least important things last. Choose the right and do the thing that you want most first. Do what you think is going to be worth it. Believe that you can. Accomplish your goals one by one. Make all the most important goals worthwhile. Success will only come if you try and fail and try again until you are successful. Your success will come in time when you try you best by doing things that matter most instead of the things that don’t. Push yourself to be the best you can and you will be the best. Have your priorities in order and do them to get you where you want to go. Go high higher than you can imagine shoot for the best.    

 12. Be accountable
To be accountable means to be responsible for your actions. Be true to the things that you do. Say the truth. Don’t make a promise that you won’t keep and won’t live up to. You are expected to justify your actions and decisions. Be responsible for yourself. Make a report about your success and what you have accomplished. In the years that you have lived maker you have been taken care of and now it is time that you visualize what you wish to do with your life making yourself responsible for your decisions good or bad. You make your own decisions when you live on your own choose your friends carefully because the friends you have shapes your character and who you become. The people that you are around will show you how they will make you become like them. Get yourself some good friends that push you to be responsible for your actions. Live up to your promises and don’t let people down. what i will do to apply this principle will be to be responsible for my actions.


The 12 principles of highly successful leaders can benefit me by they help me be true to myself and my character I build and maintain the trust of others. They teach me to do what matters most first and leave the least important things last. I have to priorities my time more. Be accountable for my things and my actions. The differences that these principles have in my life are very different now because now I manage my time more I do things that I need to do before I do anything fun be more responsible I have a plan for my life to be great if I follow the plan I will be more successful.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Ten Tips for Being More Truthful
Barbara A. Lewis

1.     Make a commitment to tell the truth.

2.    Tell someone about your commitment.

Make a commitment to tell the truth by doing so you will be more truthful to others. By telling someone that you have committed to telling the truth they might like you more. You will make more friends. By not committing yourself to telling the truth you will be influenced to tell lies more frequently. You will be getting closer to bad influences bad friends. Be committed and don’t tell lies tell the truth. Be committed to your commitment and you will be a great person. You will be the person that will be looked up to make an example of how your commitments got you to where you are. Make more commitments. Tell people about them so that they know that you are trying to be a better person.
3. Think before you give a dishonest answer.

Think what you are going to say because your answer might be dishonest. The other person wont like that. Then they will leave you and you will be more dishonest to others. So think before say things that are not true and others will not like you. They won’t like to go to you for answers. Before you give an answer to someone think of what it might make another person think it means whether it is right or wrong. Be honest and think of the answer before you say it or you will make a fool of your self.
4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.
Be careful when you use exaggeration because someone may be very offended by it or get really mad. Exaggeration can signify something better or worse to someone. This exaggeration may not be true but the way you say something may change it. Sarcasm in many ways can be taken wrong because of its mockery. The use of irony irony makes things sound different then what they truly are. It’s like if you’re lying. When you lie you change a story to make it sound true and that is almost like irony or sarcasm but not exaggeration because when you exaggerate you make something small to something big. Like a boring story altered to make it interesting. Sarcasm can be used to make someone laugh but also can offend someone.
5.Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it.

Don’t change what happened when you are telling someone a story. Be careful not to add things that didn’t happen because you would just be lying. The truth is what you’re always told to say, so say the truth don’t say anything that didn’t happen. Don’t leave any detail out of what you are saying. Don’t twist a story to make it interesting or to not get someone in trouble to protect your friend. Leaving a part out of what you are saying is lying. Lying only gets you into lots of trouble. All lies can catch up to you and will get you into more trouble than before. Be truthful to others and yourself always tell the truth even if you are trying to protect a friend.

6. Don't indulge in little white lies.

7. Watch out for silent lies.

What a silent lie is being untruthful to others. Lies are lies whither small or big lies get you into more trouble whether white or silent their lies you are a untruthful person. A silent lie is when you are communicating agreement to something that you don’t really agree with in the inside. This happens because you are agreeing to something in words but all the time inside you are yelling no and stop but you fail to say anything or ask a question. This is basically lying. People don’t want to embarrass themselves if we say something foolish. They want to be a part of the group and if they say something that will jeopardize the standing of the group.
8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.

When you catch yourself lying you have to start all over and say the truth. Make yourself not tell a lie by making yourself go back and repeat what you said with the truth. Be honest to yourself and others. Be confident always say the truth. Keep your soul clean of any lies and you will live an honest person. Once you lie you say another lie then you will become soulful lire. Be a better person and be the bigger person and stop yourself when you know you’re lying and start all over come clean.

9. Talk to yourself.

Talk to your self  tell my self to not do any substance abuse of any kind, not tell lies anytime be 

10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth.      
Give yourself reward for telling the truth and doing good go out have some fun and do more good along the way. Be kind to others when you treat yourself be happy with what you have been doing. Always do right. Do fun easy things like going out to get ice cream, or as simple as staying home and watching a movie or going to a museum of some kind and explore it, or going out to dinner with your friends or family.

Friday, April 1, 2016

While I was on khan academy I learned many things about how the computers work. I learned that all IP: addresses are just a series of numbers that. the internet sends binary information in bits. we send bits by electricity. we send things faster than one bit per second. i also learned that their is something that moves faster than electricity light using fiber-optic cables. usually we use radio waves to send things from one place to another.

data on travels on the internet in a much less direct fashion. also learned that many kinds of digital information can be sent with IP packages but there are limits. often the best route for data to travel isn't direct.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Ten Keys to Personal Power
Brain Tracy
Key 1: Clarity
“Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know where you’re going. If you do not have a clear specific goal in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do.”

To have a clear understanding of what you are going to be in life, do or have is up to you. Clarity is the starting point to success. Someone with no sense of where they are going will achieve very little if not anything. Don’t let problems get the best of you or they will over power you and you will get lost. In this world we are at our highest point where we have the ability to choose our own path and determine what we want to do. We have te best opportunities in life but it is up to us to see what we need to get to have what we want in life that will be good for our future. We have to take power of our future with a clear mind and get what we need for us.
Key 2: Competence
"If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."

Competence is the second key to your personal power. Competence is the commitment to becoming excellent. Moving forward would be an extreme challenge if you lack competence. In developing your personal power so that you may dictate your life you must develop the competence it takes to get ahead and keep moving forward. so if you have no competence build some and get better at doing something. work hard and don't give up. when you give up you lose and you will taker a long time to get back up.Your skills your knowledge base will get you to were you want to go.
Key 3: Concentration
"Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself “Is this the best use of my time?” before you start anything."
Concentration is critical for the accurate completion of the necessary tasks to accomplish any goal you have set for yourself. Always concentrate on what you are doing don't get left behind or you will not succeed in life or in a job. concentration is critical to accurately learn new things and gain more knowledge. Concentrate on what you need to do first and leave the less important stuff for later. Concentrate on what is best for you know and will benefit you later and not on silly things that will get you nowhere. Concentrate on that, that is best for you and will be at the best use of your time. Do something that is worth your time.
Key 4: Common Sense
  •          Train your mind
  •          Think things through
  •          Listen to your intuition
  •         Learn from setbacks

Sometimes we have the ability to really make a simple situation much more complicated than it has to be. Whereas if we slowed things down a bit and used some common sense everything would appear different to us. Train your mind to slow things down and make things more simple tan turning them complicated. We should always think things through before we do them and be confident that is the way we should do them. Listening to your intuition means to be one with yourself know yourself know what you truly are for the inside. Let go of regret and resentment to be your true self. But always remember that if you take a step back you should always push yourself to move forward instead of moving more back. Basically be able to perceive, understand, and judge things from another perspective
Key 5: Creativity
"Except the fact that every human being is a genius.  The hallmark of creativity is asking questions.  The people who are most creative ask the most questions."
To be a genius it to be above all humans meaning that no person is intelligently more intelligent than another everyone is equal. But it is up to us to be up to our highs expectations of being geniuses everyone is intelligent one more than another but everyone can meet another person intelligence if they are try but to get their they have to ask questions to gain more knowledge so that you can meet your highest if you don’t ask questions then you will always think that others are more intelligent than you but they might not be wise. Maybe you can be some day if you try.

Key 6: Consideration
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator.  Take courses in listening, speaking, etc."
"If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years, you’ll be the best educated person in history."

The quality of your relationships good or bad whit people will determine your success. Hang with the wrong crowd and you will become less successful than others. Hang with the good crowd and you will become more successful if you don’t have relations with the wrong crowd. Communicating is a step to your success if you can’t communicate with the good relationships you get lost ask questions on how to become more successful. Be more successful person learn what you can from people and you might be one of the most educated people in history.
Key 7: Consistency
"Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."

Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work.  Be the person that people can depend upon.  That if you say you’ll do something you do it.”

Unchanging in achievement or effect over a period of time. To be consistent in your relationship with your work you have to be above achievable in order to do this you have to keep your mind clear and away from bad influences. Have a relationship with those that care about you and have a good environment to be a family to be yourself. Be consistent in your relationships that are good for you that you can commit to. Be the friend companion that can get things done if anything goes wrong or if something bad happens. Be a good friend and help others when they need you but don’t let them take advantage of you. And if you say you do something don’t wait to get them done or you will fail in your commitment that you decided to do for another person. Get things done and be at the top at all times.
Key 8: Commitment
"No success is possible without commitment.  The ability to commitment to yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success."
"Become totally absorbed in your work.  Be totally committed."

The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc. no success is possible if you do not commit to being successful in life in anything. Being committed to what you are doing and to what you feel will get you to be successful. Be committed to your relationships with others. Be committed to yourself and to what feels right and what you truly believe in. be committed to your life and always be on top of it 
Key 9: Courage
"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."

Meaning that you have to be courageous and beat your fears and if you are fearful of failure then you will fail. But if your confident then you will find the courage to beat what you believe if your failure and concur them so that you can be successful. Thinking you will fail will make you fail before you do something so you have to just go for it and believe that you make less fearful of you failure so that you can succeed in life rather than failing and prove to others right that you are a failure so get the courage you need to prove them wrong and be successful in life.
Key 10: Confidence
"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again."

By doing something that you are afraid of again and again not only once gives you confidence to do other things and makes you less fearful of other things. Getting confidence to do things will make you feel free and not in a cage that you built around you to protect you from ever trying something that you see others doing be a free bird and gain confidence to brake the barriers that you put up. Be less fear full of what you can be confident about and do time after time. Try new things don’t be left in the dark go and try and if not successful on the first try do it again. Have confidence in oneself be certain that the course of  actions are in the best of your ability to be good.
Reflection: I believe that the ten keys are very interesting. I have been trying to apply some of these keys like courage to do things that I want an I believe I can earn and get confidence I have an I will continue to apply this key to every day I’m also working on clarity and have a clear understanding of what I want. And overall I believe that these keys are great because they will continue to apply them every day. 

Monday, January 25, 2016

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Habit 1: Be Proactive
“Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that is why it comes first. It says, “I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I’m responsible for my own unhappiness. I am in the driver’s seat of destiny, not just a passenger.”

 Work from the Center of your influence and constantly work to expanding it. Don't sit and wait in a reactive mode, waiting for problems to happen before taking action. To be proactive is to have self confidence in what you want to do. You do not wait for someone to hand you a job you go and you get it on your own you have to be positive about yourself in order to live life take control. To be proactive is to think of how not to fail have a backup plan don’t let problems arise. Proactive people know what tasks are priorities and which can wait. They eliminate any task that is unnecessary. They take interest in very extraordinary things that interest them.
Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind
“Control your own destiny or someone else will.”(Clark Welch)
Start by taking control of your life. Have a clear understanding of what it is you want a clear destination. That way we make sure we are taking the right steps toward the right things. We sometimes work and work we get our selves busy but with all our victories and achievement’s we don’t stop and think is this what I am happy doing is this what I am going to do for the rest of my life. We should take control of our destiny think of our future have a plan of how we want it, instead of waiting for someone to make your future. You create your destiny not others. Don’t let some person your destiny was written already no you create it yourself not some one else.
Habit 3: Put First Things First
“Organize and execute around priorities.”

Put things first that are the most important priorities to your mission, observe the proper balance between production and building production capacity. Recognize the key roles that you take on in life, and make time for each of them. Do what is right for you first think of the things that you need to accomplish first before doing something else. Be positive that what you are doing is important and eliminate what is not. Think about you mission do whatever it takes to get there and go for it but have a plan in case you slip you have a plan be. Set goals that are important and meaningful.
Habit 4: Think win-win
“Think win-win or no deal.”

You must seek agreements and relationships that are mutually beneficial to you.  In cases where there is no win/win achieved you must accept the fact that agreeing to make no win may be the best alternative. You must always reward yourself for a win in behavior as well as others for their efforts.  You must always reward yourself for trying to get the win/win and even more when you do succeed to getting it. Value and respect people by understanding a "win" for all is ultimately a better long-term resolution than if only one person in the situation had gotten his way. In order to establish effective dependent relationships, we must commit to creating Win-Win situations that are equally beneficial and satisfying to each person. In solving for Win-Win, we must consider two things that a person can have respect and courage.

Habit 5: Seeking First to Understand, Then to Be understood

"Diagnose before you prescribe."
First seek to understand the other person, and only then try to be understood.  Effective listening is not simply echoing what the other person has said through the lens of ones own experience. Rather it is putting oneself in the perspective of the other person, listening emphatically for both feeling and meaning. Listen to understand the other person and be listened to later to be understood. understand another persons feelings and emotions. the other person should feel good after being herd and not being judged. Understand how people are to understand yourself in a better way. Be understood by understanding others. Make them feel good.
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Four dimensions of self-renewal: Physical, mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional.
What this means is that you should be connected to yourself in many ways and in the four dimensions of self-renewal. You should be happy with yourself and who you are and if you don’t find yourself you will lose yourself and won’t be able to get up. Be true to yourself and others. Also this means to find yourself be someone new what you are really meant to be. The physical dimension meant to care for your body. The mental dimension is one of the most important because you have to maintain high levels of intelligence throughout life. The hardest dimension to do is the spiritual, because it takes time to do and we are mostly busy working or in school. It is hard to take some time to sit and think clearly when you have so much other things blocking you form having a clear mind. The emotional dimension should be easy for you will have to maintain good relationships with others and yourself.

Overall Reflection: My deepest thoughts on this is that these habits clearly will help me on my every day life by applying them in school in my personal life and in work.  I’m responsible for my own unhappiness. Work from the Center of your influence and constantly work to expanding it. Don't sit and wait in a reactive mode, waiting for problems to happen before taking action.i will start by taking control of my life. Have a clear understanding of what it is I want a clear destination.Put things first that are the most important priorities to my mission, I must seek agreements and relationships that are mutually beneficial to me and the other person.Understand the other person, and only then try to be understood. And most of all always sharpen the saw.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Three Fundamental Techniques in Handling People
Dale Carnegie

Principle 1: Do not condemn, complain, or criticize

There is a time and place to bring to bear moral judgment, a form of criticizing that distinguishes between right and wrong.  In doing so, be certain that you have made yourself correct first then criticize through constructive feedback seeking to understand the conditions first. Criticism is pointless because it puts a person on the defensive and usually makes him attempt to justify himself. Dangerous because it wounds pride, hurts ones sense of importance, and produces resentment. It takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving. Instead of condemning people, let’s try to understand them. Try to figure out why they do what they do. From a purely selfish position, that is a lot more profitable than trying to improve others. Give second chances.
Principle 2: Give honest and sincere appreciation
“The big secret in dealing with people.”

Reflection: use some common sense by giving people what they desire they will do what you want them to do. So by giving someone what they want or teaching them how to get it they will do what you want them to do in return instead of forcing them to do what you want. People who are capable of seeing another’s perspective and see the inner working of another’s min never have to worry about the future. We have to appreciate our selves first in order to appreciate what others do for us. So when you make someone feel important they will give you something you want in return for the appreciation.

Principle 3: arouse to the other person an eager want.
“He who can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot walks a lonely way.”

Everyone is only interested in what they want. The only way you can do this is by influencing someone to talk about what they want and show them how to get it. Let’s say tomorrow you want someone to do something for you. You have to pause for a minute before you speak and think about how to make the other person want to do it for you. The people that can do this are very successful in doing so and in doing so they have the world. Why you may ask it simple influencing other people to get what you want is making the other person want to get it for you.


These techniques will help me when I apply them to my daily life. How it will help me by already knows what to do to convince someone to get what I want and in the same way show them how to get what they want. It’s a win for both of us. This will help me by letting me have the world by not criticizing someone because it can make them resent themselves and think that they are not worth it no instead I will listen to what they want and show them how to get it in return I will want something done from them.  I will give second chances to those that have done wrong but they will have to do right by it. My thought about this is that if I use these techniques I will move forward with my life with no trouble.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Winter Break Days

The things that I did during winter break where not much I didn’t go out much the only places I went to were the mall and that is about it nothing interesting. I did watch some movies and shows most of the time on Netflix with my younger brother because I took care of him with my older sister. The movies that I watched were just random movies and I watched many shows on their. My family well my mom, sister, brother, and I really didn’t do much burring the break because my mom is mostly never around so we can’t go anywhere without her also because she is always working. I really wanted to go to big bear but my mom had to go to work the day we were going to the only time we spent time together was when we went shopping and on Christmas we didn’t get any presents but the feeling of being with my family was great.