Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Becoming Your Best: 

The 12 Principles of Highly Successful Leaders

1.   Be true to character

Be yourself be the best you can be and never give up on yourself or others. Be committed to your goals archive what you can in your short life span. True character is not in the saying but in the way you live your life. It is how people see you when you are with them. It is your character that people judge you upon. Character everyone has but to be true to your character not everyone can. When you are alone you are different then when you are with someone else because you try to be someone else other than yourself. True character is about being the same person around everyone and when you’re alone. But sometimes when you are alone you actually do what you feel is right for you that is who you really are the person you aspire to be. That is the character that most people hide from the world in order to fit in with the rest. Be your true character let yourself be free of all worries and doubt.

2. Use your imagination

3. Apply the power of knowledge

The power of knowledge is the most powerful thing in the world. To have knowledge is a privilege because not everyone has access to it. Without knowledge what are you what can you be where can you go. Knowledge is a power that anyone can have. Knowledge may not be free for some people but knowledge is passed on from one person to another. The knowledge that a person has can get them far enough to where they want to go the more knowledge you have the wiser and intelligent you become. Knowledge is power its self because not everyone is at the same level as another person. Someone can have knowledge of something and another person of something else when you share you information with another person they gain knowledge as well as you. Let’s say you read a book a day then what you read gives you knowledge every day.

4. Never give up
Never give up on your goals in life in anything. You choose how you want to live your life what you do with it. Don’t give up when someone pushes you down. You have to get up each time you fail. When you fail you keep trying until you reach your goals. Giving up on your goals will only prove those that doubt you write. Prove those people wrong and keep going it’s the right thing to do for you. Giving up will only make you feel like you can’t try again. So when you fail try again until its right until it’s what you want. Dream big and no matter what people tell you it’s not their life your living it’s your own. Make your life your own believe that you can and you will succeed. 

5. Find peace and balance

Find balance within yourself and then will you be able to find peace. Peace will only come when you have balanced your state of mind and body. One cannot come before the other. Believe that you can balance yourself get help if you need it and then find peace. Peace will make your life easy and calm. To find peace you need a clear and focused mind. Finding peace if not easy it can be hard but it will be worth it. Once you have balance you will then gain peace not before. Peace will make you a better person and help you be more focused in your goals. You will become a more successful person when you have peace.

6. Live the Golden Rule

It’s true the rule of treating others as you would want to be treated in their place will ultimately lead to your own happiness. Let’s say that you apply the Golden Rule in all of your interactions with other people, and you help your neighbors, you treat your family with kindness, you go the extra mile for your co-workers, you help a stranger in need. Now, those actions will indeed be good for the people you help and are kind to … but you’ll also notice a strange thing. People will treat you better too, certainly. Beyond that, though, you will find a growing satisfaction in yourself, a belief in yourself, knowledge that you are a good person and a trust in yourself.

7.Build and maintain trust

8. Quick to listen slow to wrath
When trying to reconcile with someone, don’t listen for the problem or issue but for the hurt beneath the complaint, their issue, or their anger. Treat others with kindness and their anger will dissipate quickly. It doesn’t matter what race someone is whether a business partner you treat others with respect. When someone is hurt you have a conversation with them and listen while you look them in the eye. What a person should do is stop to listen to what is beneath the words that they are saying. You listen to what they are experiencing at the moment and try to understand before you speak you thoughts. So listen twice as much to the person rather than speaking. Try to listen to the perspective of the person instead of your point of view.
 9. Lead with vision
The key to leading with vision is to be able to communicate your vision as effectively as possible, in a highly inspirational manner.  Individuals are drawn to leaders who can articulate a possible future in such a way that speaks to those around them and includes others in the idea. The best leaders use both their clarity of vision and their articulation of a successful future to whisk people out of fear and into hope for the future and a sense of purpose. All us people want leaders that can look beyond the present. We can be leaders that have a master plan to carry our workforce through short-term trial.One of the key elements of leadership is the ability to create a compelling vision, then lead people towards its fulfillment.  Your vision needs to be communicated in such a way that others believe in it, and thus want to be a part of making it into a reality.

10. Manage with a plan
Manage your life change your perspective of how you view the world. Change the way you are around people change your attitude and be a grate optimistic person. Manage your life make a plan for the future. Change thing you don’t like in your plan or that will be bad to do. Believe that you can accomplish you goals and you will succeed in life. Make a plan for you family how you want it to be. You decide how you want to live and with whom. Don’t let others tell you that you will never make it in life because you will if you choose to follow the right path. By making a plan you are one step closer to achieving you goals. Keep your head up not down or you will stumble across a tree and end up messing with your plan don’t let anyone force you to do anything you don’t want to do.  

 11. Do what matters the most
 Do what matters most what is the most important thing you must get done with leave the least important things last. Choose the right and do the thing that you want most first. Do what you think is going to be worth it. Believe that you can. Accomplish your goals one by one. Make all the most important goals worthwhile. Success will only come if you try and fail and try again until you are successful. Your success will come in time when you try you best by doing things that matter most instead of the things that don’t. Push yourself to be the best you can and you will be the best. Have your priorities in order and do them to get you where you want to go. Go high higher than you can imagine shoot for the best.    

 12. Be accountable
To be accountable means to be responsible for your actions. Be true to the things that you do. Say the truth. Don’t make a promise that you won’t keep and won’t live up to. You are expected to justify your actions and decisions. Be responsible for yourself. Make a report about your success and what you have accomplished. In the years that you have lived maker you have been taken care of and now it is time that you visualize what you wish to do with your life making yourself responsible for your decisions good or bad. You make your own decisions when you live on your own choose your friends carefully because the friends you have shapes your character and who you become. The people that you are around will show you how they will make you become like them. Get yourself some good friends that push you to be responsible for your actions. Live up to your promises and don’t let people down. what i will do to apply this principle will be to be responsible for my actions.


The 12 principles of highly successful leaders can benefit me by they help me be true to myself and my character I build and maintain the trust of others. They teach me to do what matters most first and leave the least important things last. I have to priorities my time more. Be accountable for my things and my actions. The differences that these principles have in my life are very different now because now I manage my time more I do things that I need to do before I do anything fun be more responsible I have a plan for my life to be great if I follow the plan I will be more successful.

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